In a community everyone talks to everyone else. A publisher’s job is to serve the community, not just by organizing...
Read moreDetailsAs networks of computers are more powerful than any single computer, so democracy and capitalism will always deliver more than...
Read moreDetailsMachine learning can increase productivity, but it can also create new capabilities beyond words and pictures.
Read moreDetailsUntil we reduce the inefficiency created by people using government to resist efficiency, growth will be hard to come by.
Read moreDetailsAmazon is vulnerable right now, to regulators, to Walmart, to its employees and customers.Get off your yacht and fix it,...
Read moreDetailsStep back. Look for a big problem. Look for an open source project that’s addressing it. Then work on that.
Read moreDetailsChatGPT may just be a “bullshit generator” but Pichai got lost in the bullshit.
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