Oil becomes the economic fulcrum for what comes next.
Read moreDetailsIt costs a lot more to treat someone who is sick than to treat them when they’re well, just as...
Read moreDetailsTrump and the GOP are declarations of war against the technology industry and against democracy itself. Technology has the means...
Read moreDetailsThe essential people of the 2020s are the people of Trumpistan, now lost in racism and misogyny because they lack...
Read moreDetailsIt is time for technology’s policy preferences to become explicit, and for the industries to start arbitraging this country, arbitraging...
Read moreDetailsGoogle, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon.com need to treat fake news as seriously as they would a heart attack. They...
Read moreDetailsIt’s infuriating how little tech titans have done to justify the rewards America has showered upon them. If that’s not...
Read moreDetailsThe government is in the hands of idiots because the idiots voted for it. What they wanted,what they still see,...
Read moreDetailsWe have already created the greatest extinction event since the dinosaurs. Let’s not make it worse by joining them. The...
Read moreDetailsParents and grandparents must be shown that the game is not rigged against them if they are to support a...
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